![Html and css codes pdf Html and css codes pdf](https://s.tmimgcdn.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/overapi.jpg?x54449)
What Is An HTML Cheat Sheet HTML Cheat Sheet is a quick reference guide that lists the commonly used HTML tags and their attributes. The tags are generally grouped category wise for easy readability.
![Sheet Sheet](https://www.snippetnuggets.com/cheatsheets/html/html-html5-cheat-sheet-images/09-select-option-tag-attribute-table-caption-www.snippetnuggets.com.jpg)
This HTML cheat sheet includes all HTML5 elements, their attributes, and their DOM interface.
Basic Html Tags Cheat Sheet
![Html tag injection cheat sheet Html tag injection cheat sheet](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d5/c7/88/d5c7880e60d1335b2d31c7af02990e04.jpg)
Html5 Semantic Tags Cheat Sheet
- HTML Cheat Sheet This cheat sheet - or HTML code quick reference - lists the common HTML tags and their attributes, grouped into relevant sections in an easy-to-read format.
- HTML Tags Cheat Sheet HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, is a programming language used to create the display seen by the end user. Or more simply put, to arrange things in the computer window for people to view.HTML is straightforward and simple to learn. A lot can be accomplished with just a few.
Html5 Tags Cheat Sheet
Element | Description | Attributes | DOM Interface | New in HTML5? |
<!--...--> | Specifies a comment | None | ||
<!DOCTYPE> | Specifies the document type | None | ||
<a> | Specifies a hyperlink | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; href ; target ; download ; rel ; hreflang ; type | HTMLAnchorElement | |
<abbr> | Specifies an abbreviation | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<address> | Specifies an address element | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<area> | Specifies an area inside an image map | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; alt ; coords ; shape ; href ; target ; download ; rel ; hreflang ; type | HTMLAreaElement | |
<article> | Specifies an article | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<aside> | Specifies content aside from the page content | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<audio> | Specifies sound content | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; src ; crossorigin ; preload ; autoplay ; mediagroup ; loop ; muted ; controls | HTMLAudioElement | NEW |
<b> | Specifies bold text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<base> | Specifies a base URL for all the links in a page | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; href ; target | HTMLBaseElement | |
<bdi> | For bi-directional text formatting | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<bdo> | Specifies the direction of text display | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<blockquote> | Specifies a long quotation | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; cite | HTMLQuoteElement | |
<body> | Specifies the body element | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; onafterprint ; onbeforeprint ; onbeforeunload ; onhashchange ; onmessage ; onoffline ; ononline ; onpagehide ; onpageshow ; onpopstate ; onstorage ; onunload | HTMLBodyElement | |
<br> | Inserts a single line break | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLBRElement | |
<button> | Specifies a push button | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; autofocus ; disabled ; form ; formaction ; formenctype ; formmethod ; formnovalidate ; formtarget ; name ; type ; value | HTMLButtonElement | |
<canvas> | Define graphics | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; width ; height | HTMLCanvasElement | NEW |
<caption> | Specifies a table caption | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLTableCaptionElement | |
<cite> | Specifies a citation | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<code> | Specifies computer code text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<col> | Specifies attributes for table columns | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; span | HTMLTableColElement | |
<colgroup> | Specifies groups of table columns | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; span | HTMLTableColElement | |
<data> | Allows for machine-readable data to be provided | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; value | HTMLDataElement | NEW |
<datalist> | Specifies an 'autocomplete' dropdown list | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLDataListElement | NEW |
<dd> | Specifies a definition description | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<del> | Specifies deleted text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; cite ; datetime | HTMLModElement | |
<details> | Specifies details of an element | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; open | HTMLDetailsElement | NEW (HTML5.1) |
<dfn> | Defines a definition term | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<dialog> | Specifies that part of an application is interactive. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; open | HTMLDialogElement | NEW |
<div> | Specifies a section in a document | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLDivElement | |
<dl> | Specifies a definition list | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLDListElement | |
<dt> | Specifies a definition term | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<em> | Specifies emphasized text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<embed> | Specifies external application or interactive content | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; src ; type ; width ; height ; | HTMLEmbedElement | NEW |
<fieldset> | Specifies a fieldset | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; disabled ; form ; name | HTMLFieldSetElement | |
<figcaption> | Specifies caption for the figure element. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<figure> | Specifies a group of media content, and their caption | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<footer> | Specifies a footer for a section or page | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<form> | Specifies a form | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; accept-charset ; action ; autocomplete ; enctype ; method ; name ; novalidate ; target | HTMLFormElement | |
<h1> | Specifies a heading level 1 | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLHeadingElement | |
<h2> | Specifies a heading level 2 | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLHeadingElement | |
<h3> | Specifies a heading level 3 | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLHeadingElement | |
<h4> | Specifies a heading level 4 | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLHeadingElement | |
<h5> | Specifies a heading level 5 | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLHeadingElement | |
<h6> | Specifies a heading level 6 | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLHeadingElement | |
<head> | Specifies information about the document | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLHeadElement | |
<header> | Specifies a group of introductory or navigational aids, including hgroup elements | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<hgroup> | Specifies a header for a section or page. NOTE: This element has been dropped from W3C HTML5 spec but it is still included in WHATWG Living Standard. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<hr> | Specifies a horizontal rule | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLHRElement | |
<html> | Specifies an html document | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; manifest | HTMLHtmlElement | |
<i> | Specifies italic text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<iframe> | Specifies an inline sub window (frame) | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; src ; srcdoc ; name ; sandbox ; width ; height | HTMLIFrameElement | |
<img> | Specifies an image | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; alt ; src ; crossorigin ; usemap ; ismap ; width ; height | HTMLImageElement | |
<input> | Specifies an input field | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; accept ; alt ; autocomplete ; autofocus ; checked ; dirname ; disabled ; form ; formaction ; formenctype ; formmethod ; formnovalidate ; formtarget ; height ; list ; max ; maxlength ; min ; minlength ; multiple ; name ; pattern ; placeholder ; readonly ; required ; size ; src ; step ; type ; value ; width | HTMLInputElement | |
<ins> | Specifies inserted text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; cite ; datetime | HTMLModElement | |
<kbd> | Specifies keyboard text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<keygen> | Generates a key pair | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; autofocus ; challenge ; disabled ; form ; keytype ; name | HTMLKeygenElement | NEW |
<label> | Specifies a label for a form control | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; form ; for | HTMLLabelElement | |
<legend> | Specifies a title in a fieldset | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLLegendElement | |
<li> | Specifies a list item | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; value | HTMLLIElement | |
<link> | Specifies a resource reference | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; href ; crossorigin ; rel ; media ; hreflang ; type ; sizes | HTMLLinkElement | |
<main> | Specifies the main content area of an HTML document. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<map> | Specifies an image map | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; name | HTMLMapElement | |
<mark> | Specifies marked text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<menu> | Specifies a menu list | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; type ; label ; | HTMLMenuElement | NEW (HTML 5.1) |
<menuitem> | Specifies a command that a user can invoke from a popup menu. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; type ; label ; icon ; disabled ; checked; ; radiogroup ; default ; command | HTMLMenuItemElement | NEW (HTML 5.1) |
<meta> | Specifies meta information | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; name ; http-equiv ; content ; charset | HTMLMetaElement | |
<meter> | Specifies measurement within a predefined range | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; value ; min ; max ; low ; high ; optimum | HTMLMeterElement | NEW |
<nav> | Specifies navigation links | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<noscript> | Specifies a noscript section | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<object> | Specifies an embedded object | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; data ; type ; typemustmatch ; name ; usemap ; form ; width ; height | HTMLObjectElement | |
<ol> | Specifies an ordered list | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; reversed ; start ; type | HTMLOListElement | |
<optgroup> | Specifies an option group | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; disabled ; label | HTMLOptGroupElement | |
<option> | Specifies an option in a drop-down list | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; disabled ; label ; selected ; value | HTMLOptionElement | |
<output> | Specifies some types of output | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; for ; form ; name | HTMLOutputElement | NEW |
<p> | Specifies a paragraph | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLParagraphElement | |
<param> | Specifies a parameter for an object | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; name ; value | HTMLParamElement | |
<pre> | Specifies preformatted text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLPreElement | |
<progress> | Specifies progress of a task of any kind | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; value ; max | HTMLProgressElement | NEW |
<q> | Specifies a short quotation | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; cite | HTMLQuoteElement | |
<rb> | Marks the base text component of a ruby annotation. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | NEW | |
<rp> | Used for the benefit of browsers that don't support ruby annotations | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<rt> | Specifies the ruby text component of a ruby annotation. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<rtc> | Marks a ruby text container for ruby text components in a ruby annotation. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<ruby> | Specifies a ruby annotation (used in East Asian typography) | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<s> | Indicates text that's no longer accurate or relevant. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<samp> | Specifies sample computer code | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<script> | Specifies a script | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; src ; type ; charset ; async ; defer ; crossorigin | HTMLScriptElement | |
<section> | Specifies a section | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |
<select> | Specifies a selectable list | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; autofocus ; disabled ; form ; multiple ; name ; required ; size | HTMLSelectElement | |
<small> | Specifies small text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<source> | Specifies media resources | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; src ; type ; media | HTMLSourceElement | NEW |
<span> | Specifies a section in a document | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLSpanElement | |
<strong> | Specifies strong text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<style> | Specifies a style definition | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; media ; type | HTMLStyleElement | |
<sub> | Specifies subscripted text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<summary> | Specifies a summary / caption for the <details> element | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW (HTML 5.1) |
<sup> | Specifies superscripted text | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<table> | Specifies a table | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; border | HTMLTableElement | |
<tbody> | Specifies a table body | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLTableSectionElement | |
<td> | Specifies a table cell | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLTableDataCellElement | |
<template> | Declares HTML fragments that can be cloned and inserted in the document by script. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLTemplateElement | NEW |
<textarea> | Specifies a text area | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; autofocus ; cols ; dirname ; disabled ; form ; maxlength ; minlength ; name ; placeholder ; readonly ; required ; rows ; wrap | HTMLTextAreaElement | |
<tfoot> | Specifies a table footer | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLTableSectionElement | |
<th> | Specifies a table header | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; colspan ; rowspan ; headers ; scope ; abbr | HTMLTableHeaderCellElement | |
<thead> | Specifies a table header | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLTableSectionElement | |
<time> | Specifies a date/time | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; datetime | HTMLTimeElement | NEW |
<title> | Specifies the document title | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLTitleElement | |
<tr> | Specifies a table row | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLTableRowElement | |
<track> | Specifies a text track for media such as video and audio | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; default ; kind ; label ; src ; srclang | HTMLTrackElement | NEW |
<u> | Specifies text with a non-textual annotation. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<ul> | Specifies an unordered list | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLUListElement | |
<var> | Specifies a variable | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | |
<video> | Specifies a video | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; src ; crossorigin ; poster ; preload ; autoplay ; mediagroup ; loop ; muted ; controls ; width ; height | HTMLVideoElement | NEW |
<wbr> | Specifies a line break opportunity for very long words and strings of text with no spaces. | Global Attributes ; Event Handlers ; | HTMLElement | NEW |